Helping you navigate your treatment journey

Match with a free medical assistant to support you
Visits with vetted specialists in 7 days or less
Confidently navigate your treatment journey
how it works

Helped makes getting treatment simple

Your personal medical assistant is always a message away for anything you need, at no cost.

Find out if you're a candidate

Answer a few questions about your medical history to match with your free medical assistant.

Ask questions, get answers

Your personal Medical Assistant will discuss your symptoms and help you evaluate treatment options.

Skip the line, let us schedule for you

Schedule 4x faster with special time slots set aside for Helped patients.

Get treated by hand-selected specialists

We vet doctors through a 5-step process to verify physician quality, and patient care.


Whatever you need, when you need it.

Need ride assistance? We’ll book you a car. 🚗
Need a referral?
We’ll request one for you. 📠
Looking for the cheapest MRI?
We’ll research for you. 🔎
Ready to schedule a visit?
We’ll text you some times. 🗓

We make your care experience exceptional

Helped is an added layer of customer service and support to help you make complex medical decisions and save time.

On your own
Doing it on your own
Dedicated medical assistant
Specialist wait times
7 days or less
7 days or less
1-3 months
1-3 months
Time to treatment
minimal delays
minimal delays
highly variable
highly variable
Time invested coordinating care
hours - days
Referral & records requests
< 24 hours
< 24 hours
days - weeks
days - weeks
Insurance verification
days - weeks
days - weeks
Ride assistance
Customer service and support
highly variable
highly variable
Text support
Get started
tap to lear more

Helped is free

(and will always be free)

Helped approaches a handful of vetted specialists in each city who are committed to providing outstanding patient care. Your free medical assistant is entirely paid for by local Helped Specialists to provide an exceptional patient experience.


We’ve helped thousands of people navigate treatment

When I went to Helped, the process was so fast and so easy to talk to them on the phone. The fact that they got me in so fast was truly amazing, but they also got me with the BEST doctors.
I went ahead and pulled the trigger 10 years ago and had the implant [SCS] done....It still works today as it did when they installed it ten years ago; I still get relief.
Since UFE I feel like I started to experience immediate relief...that pressure was gone right after the procedure. Overall, my life has completely turned around.
I started noticing big changes after a couple months, but little changes right away--no pain! I recommend UFE 100%. That changed my life big time.
I love my stimulator. My pain is managed well.
It is a wonderful way to live with my back pain gone. I would recommend trying this [SCS] for anyone that has chronic pain.
Have mine [SCS] for 6 years, a great help; don't know what I would do without it.
When I went to Helped, the process was so fast and so easy to talk to them on the phone. The fact that they got me in so fast was truly amazing, but they also got me with the BEST doctors.
I went ahead and pulled the trigger 10 years ago and had the implant [SCS] done....It still works today as it did when they installed it ten years ago; I still get relief.
Since UFE I feel like I started to experience immediate relief...that pressure was gone right after the procedure. Overall, my life has completely turned around.
I started noticing big changes after a couple months, but little changes right away--no pain! I recommend UFE 100%. That changed my life big time.
I love my stimulator. My pain is managed well.
It is a wonderful way to live with my back pain gone. I would recommend trying this [SCS] for anyone that has chronic pain.
Have mine [SCS] for 6 years, a great help; don't know what I would do without it.

Navigate your treatment journey with confidence

Dedicated medical assistance
Save hours coordinating care
Skip the line with priority scheduling